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We The Revolution 1 3 0


Instant Construction will make the required number of turns to be 0 = 1 turn construction. Bring up the reforms window to see instant reforms take effect after you've issued a reform No Unit Health yet, still working on that. However, these should be more than enough for you to conquer the whole map. It was for me hehe. Enrique bailando mp3 free download.

We The Revolution v1.3.0 (2019) PC Game Publisher: Klabater Developer: Polyslash 2.56 GB Languages: English, Polski. Francais Genre: Strategy Release Date: 4 August 2019 We. The Revolution is a unique game with a singular art style set in the blood-soaked and paranoid world of the French Revolution, where often you could not tell a friend from an enemy. As a judge of the Revolutionary. We The Revolution v1.3.0 PC Gameplay, walkthrough, review, playthrough, no commentary. Web 3.0 is slated to be the new paradigm in web interaction and will mark a fundamental change in how developers create websites, -AMAZONPOLLY-ONLYWORDS-START- You have probably heard the term “web 3.0” floating around the internet. Simply put, web 3.0 is the new phase of the internet’s evolution. The changes that web 3.0 is bringing to the internet is going to take it to a whole new level.

| Steam [2019-05-24] | STN
- Features -
  • Unlimited money
  • Add xp
  • Unlimited Morale (be careful using this)
  • Zero Morale (be careful using this)
  • Unlimited Skill points
  • Unlimited Movement
  • Unlimited Public Order
  • Unlimited Military Supplies
  • Instant Construction
  • Instant Reforms
  • Unlimited Town Population
  • Max Credibility
  • Unlimited Reserves
- Notes:-
Add xp cheat will disable itself after 10k xp is added. Just hover over your character to see it take effect or bring up the character details window.
For the morale cheats, make sure you pause the game during battle then select the unit you wish to have unlimited or zero morale. Unpause the game and make sure you don't hover over any other unit. Will fine tune it later. Keep the unit in focus for the cheat to be in effect
Public Order, Town Population and Reserves cheats will take effect when you hover or select the town you wish to affect.
Max Credibility - Open the diplomatic window and hover over credibility to see it take effect.
Instant Construction will make the required number of turns to be 0 = 1 turn construction.The
Bring up the reforms window to see instant reforms take effect after you've issued a reform
No Unit Health yet, still working on that. However, these should be more than enough for you to conquer the whole map . It was for me hehe.
PS: Please don't paste this CT elsewhere without linking to this thread.
Changed behavior of xp and skill script. You can now add/modify xp and skills to the amount you like.
-Character Satisfaction
-AI Diplomacy yesmen
-Massive Food Output
-Infinite reforms
-Maximum Reserves
-Maximum Public Order
-Character pointer
-Money pointer
-Faction Curreny Pointer
-Set Faction Currency
-Units Instantly Level up
-Maximum Spy Cover
-Maximum Spy Network

We The Revolution 1 3 0 2

We The Revolution 1 3 0 1

-Year Modification
Contained in maximus_erectus

We The Revolution 1 3 00

post here - viewtopic.php?p=90907#p90907
How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

We The Revolution 1 3 0
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